Let's reuse packaging !

Buy pallets, crates and drums in very good condition

Save 30 to 50% in your packaging budget!



Your customers dispose off your packaging and it is still in a good condition. They will be at best recycled, and at worst incinerated. At the same time you will be buying the exact same packaging item again...and again and again...  

Recycling is good, but reusing is the best. No matter the material : Recycled cardboard and plastic require new material in the process, metal requires a high amount of energy and natural wood is just not recyclable into natural wood.

You have the opportunity to extend the packaging items lifetime. Buy online or, even better, contact us for recurring purchases. Now is your time to shine !

2 Mt of packaging waste

Belgium is the champion of recycling rate with 80% of its annual 2Mt of packaging waste going through recycling plants. 

But recycling has its own limits : it requires energy, water and new material. Therefore Reuse comes before Recycle in the waste management hierarchy. 

So few has been done so far to reuse packaging waste! That is the challenge Alterpac is willing to take!

blue and yellow star flag


2200+ Belgian companies are required to report their actions and results in the field of sustainability (CSRD). Part of this report (ESRS E5) directly refers to circular economy and reuse. 

Additionally the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) has set ambitious targets in terms of packaging reuse percentage. 

Alterpac is your perfect partner to tackle the challenge of packaging reuse and help you meet the European goals.

Loops and flows

If you're dealing with packaging, you're part of a flow. Which one is yours?

1. Direct loop : The packaging item loops from a customer to its local supplier.

2. External flow : The packaging item flows from a company A to another company B, who needs it but has no ties with company A.

3. Internal loop : The packaging item used internally in company C is reconditioned and reused by Company C.

person using MacBook Pro

Buy second hand items online

Either one-shot or recurring purchases. Anywhere in Belgium. See our online shop to have a glimpse into our stock. Feel free to contact us if you don't find what you need or if you have a question in regards to your quality requirements.

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a truck driving down the road in the middle of nowhere

Give a second life to your waste

Together we define the packaging items that are a good fit for our reuse cycle. We define a frequency or a signal-based collect time. The size of the container or trailer is also discussed based on the space available on your site. 

Then it's a Keep-calm-and-watch-your-trash-becoming-supplies moment ! 

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Bring circularity to your warehouse. 

Give us your waste, buy from our shop.